Friday, January 17, 2014

A bit about having teenage daughters...

   I have a beautiful, talented, smart, fashionable, funny, teenage daughter. Now, let me just say first that I find this very difficult to believe sometimes, as I myself don't feel a day over 16. Oh well, I guess I need to face the facts! The journey to "little womanhood" with her has not always been easy. In fact, the year she was 12 was exceptionally difficult. She was going through the worst of the physical and emotional changes of growing up, and I was pregnant, which caused the perfect storm of hormones. There were almost daily shouting  or crying sessions, and I will not say if those were only by her. (clearing throat) Being that we home school, there was no escape. She was stuck with me all the time, and I was "blessed" to get to experience every single second of her life. I thought those days would never end. I wondered where my sweet little girly had gone. Sometimes I was scared to admit even to myself that I felt I didn't really like being around her anymore. How awful for a mom to feel that! Well, I am quite sure she did not like me very much at that point, either. BUT HERE IS THE GREAT NEWS, MOMMA, if you are going through this: She will emerge out of this transition and your relationship can be wonderful. I actually really and truly love the person she is becoming, and I enjoy (honestly) hanging out with her now. The constant influx of hormones has become regulated, and she has learned to control her emotions much better. 
     But there is one thing I have been convicted of lately concerning her, so I wanted to share it with you. Almost on a daily basis, she will ask "Does this outfit look good?", or "Does my make up look all right?", or "How does my hair look?" Now, this is a bit strange to me most days because we are not leaving the house and no one other than her family will even SEE her..... I am usually multi-tasking (holding a baby, pacifying a preschooler, handing out school work, cleaning something, cooking something, etc) and I admit that I have answered her quickly with out even LOOKING at her! And sometimes, my tone of voice may not be so great either. Ugh. The other day, while I was about to tersely respond, the Holy Spirit whispered...."Careful, Momma, think before you speak, and think about what she is really asking."  She is asking, "Am I OK?", "Am I loved?", "Do you think I'm pretty?", and even "Do you have time for me?" Oh my, I was convicted. I need to STOP what I am doing when these questions come. I need to look her in the eye. I need to answer her with feeling and truth, and do everything in my power to fill up her compliment tank. I am praying that I can remember to do this, that I won't let the distractions take over and cause more flippant responses. So, I wanted to share this with other Mommas out there, and I hope it makes you ponder your own girlies a little. And, they are also never to big for a hug. Especially if it's in front of friends and embarrasses them :)

I made this book for her when she was 12, to be a tangible thing to remind her she is loved. It has letters from me, and from other women in her life, telling her how much she is loved, and to hold on to the Lord.

Copy and paste link to read entire book:


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